Hey Stranger! Miso Glazed Sea Bass

So I know I have been pretty much not on here lately. I have been busy at work and by the time I get home I am just ready to eat, hit cardio and go to bed. I am going to start trying to get back on here again starting with this post!

Tonight for dinner I made miso glazed sea bass. I picked up a 6oz filet of sea bass from my local Asian market Uwajimaya and soaked it in a mix of miso and water overnight. I stuck some broccolini in my steamer for 20 minutes and while that was cooking up placed a pan over medium heat and placed the bass and the rest of the marinade in the pan. As the marinade was reducing down I spooned it on to the bass until it was almost gone. While that was happening I also preheated my oven to 350 and cooked the bass in there for the last 10 minutes. At this point the steamer was done and so was the bass. I pulled out my new chopsticks, inspired by Kai Greene in Generation Iron, and devoured this because it was the best piece of fish I have ever cooked! Give it a try and let me know what you think! Its great for macros with 6c/4f/36p.

Stay tuned for daily posts and a day of eating video coming up!

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